What a Botox Procedure Does for You?
Odds are, you have heard of Botox at some point in your life. The treatment has been incredibly popular for many years. Additionally, Botox has helped many people achieve cosmetic and therapeutic results through a tried-and-true procedure.
Despite the popularity of the treatment, there are many misconceptions and rumors that continue to circulate with regards to Botox. In this article, we will outline the basic information about Botox so that you can determine if it is the right option for you.
Is Botox Safe?
Ever since it came on the market in the 1980’s, Botox has been an incredibly safe and effective treatment. Botox is an injectable medication that is made up of a protein taken from the Botulinum toxin.
Occasionally, patients who receive Botox will experience minor side effects. These include bruising, swelling, and irritation at the injection site. Due to the nature of the treatment, the facial muscles may droop for a short time as well. Outside of the complications just described, Botox poses almost no risk to patients.
Additionally, your dermatologist will always perform a thorough medical history review to ensure that you have no factors that may predispose you for any complications. In these procedures, safety is the top priority.
Does Botox Last for a Long Time?
As with any medical or cosmetic treatment, results will vary for the individual patient. However, the average person will begin to notice results from the Botox injection within 1-2 weeks. After this two-week period, your dermatologist will typically recommend that you schedule a follow up appointment to ensure that it is working as desired.
The treatment will typically last for a few months. Some patients report that they notice strong results for as long as 6 months, while others report the effects began to wear off after about 3 months.
Who Can Perform Botox Injections?
Depending on your state’s laws, there are a number of practitioners who can legally perform Botox. However, you should seek out a skilled dermatologist who has experience with Botox injections. These doctors know how to get the best results and how to minimize complications.
What Conditions Can Botox Address?
Generally, people automatically think of Botox in terms of its incredible cosmetic applications. Botox can treat sagging skin, wrinkles and other similar issues in a variety of areas of the body.
However, few people know that Botox can be used therapeutically as well. Botox has been used successfully in the treatment of conditions such as hyperhidrosis (extreme sweating of a body area), TMJD (temporomandibular joint disorder), and certain types of headaches.
If you suffer from any of these conditions, talk to a Botox dermatologist to see how they can help you.
So, is Botox the right treatment for you?
To summarize: Botox is an effective, safe treatment that has been used to treat cosmetic issues for decades. Additionally, the injections have been successfully implemented in a number of conditions that are not cosmetic in nature.
If you are interested in receiving Botox, contact a skilled Dallas Botox dermatologist today!